Change Your Life in a Year Paperback

Change Your Life in a Year Workbook
Have you ever struggled to stick with a New Year’s Resolution? Do you have big dreams, but find they never become reality?This powerful workbook from Personal Development Author Josh Hatcher helps you not only set achievable goals, but helps you chart out a workable plan to achieve those goals, and track your progress. Change Your Life in One Year will help you set achievable goals, break them down into actionable steps, and help you chart out a path to success.

Change Your Life in a Year Premium Digital Bundle
We all want to do better things. We can all have dreams and a future that we desire. But without a plan, a dream just fades. We can’t accomplish a goal without a way to get there. CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A YEAR by Josh Hatcher examines the mindsets and attitudes that keep us from growth and change, and helps us cast a vision for a new future.
The CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A YEAR WORKBOOK. It is a series of worksheets and tracking calendars to help you plan out goals in seven main areas of life, break them down into smaller objectives, tasks and priorities.
The CHANGE YOUR LIFE IN A YEAR Daily Quote book is a daily inspirational and motivational thought to help reinforce the positive mental space needed to make a lasting change.
The Premium Digital Bundle Includes:
- Change Your Life in a Year eBook
- Change Your Life in a Year Printable Workbook
- Change Your Life in a Year: 365 Daily Quotes to Challenge, Inspire, and Motivate eBook
You can get the digital bundle instantly right now!
You don't have to go it alone!
If you want to change your life in a year, the truth is – only you can change you.
But that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone.
We’re inviting you to join the Life Changer’s Alliance, a private Facebook group where you can connect with other men and women as we dream big, set goals, and build the discipline it takes to get there!